Rather than providing direct financial contributions, we ask that qualified recipients request items of need that will help them to fulfill their mission and serve their constituents. If approved, The Heart of Wes Barr Foundation will purchase the items and donate them to your organization.

If you would like to be considered for a donation, please fill out the form below. Our board will then review your request and you’ll be notified as to our decision.

**Any agency requesting funding must be a 501(c)(3) organization or law enforcement agency in order to be considered. Items will be purchased by the Heart of Wes Barr Foundation and presented to the chosen agency. Only agencies within Sangamon County will be chosen. No cash donations will be given. No assistance will be available to individuals or families. 


**Although we’re sure you represent a worthy cause, we have limited our support to agencies that support social services, law enforcement, animal protection and veterans. One of the above selections MUST be checked

If not - We’re sorry. Although we’re sure you represent a worthy cause, we have limited our support to agencies that are located within Sangamon County.

We Are There From The Moment You Need Us, 
Our Care Never Ends And No One Is Forgotten